Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acrimonious filled with bitterness or rancor.
chauvinist one who has a biased belief in the superiority of one's own sex over the other.
conformist one who tends to act in accordance or compliance with established standards or norms.
designate to choose for a particular job or purpose.
discretion the freedom or authority to use one's own judgment.
erudition a high level of scholarly knowledge; learnedness.
experimentation the act, process, or practice of running tests or trials.
gauche deficient in manners or other conventions of social behavior; boorish; crude.
gibberish written or spoken words that are unintelligible, needlessly obscure, or without coherent meaning.
humbug something without substance or meaning, such as an idea or argument; nonsense.
hydraulic of, concerning, operated by, or moved by water or another liquid under pressure.
inept lacking skill or aptitude; incompetent.
marauder one who raids or invades in order to plunder.
patina a greenish, brownish, or reddish crust or film produced by oxidation on the surface of old metals such as bronze and copper.
stanza a group of related lines in a poem that make up one section within the poem. Stanzas often have a regular meter and rhyme pattern.