Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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comprehend to understand or grasp the meaning of.
delve to make a careful, thoroughgoing search, as for information.
dwindle to become or cause to become gradually smaller or less until almost nothing remains; shrink.
falter to move, speak, or act in a way that is not sure or not steady; stumble.
infection the act of infecting or an instance or condition of being infected.
labyrinth an intricate network of pathways or passageways intended to confuse the person or animal that navigates it; maze.
lavish to give or spend a large amount or without limit.
placebo an inert substance given to a patient as if it were a drug in order to placate or to serve as a control in an experiment.
practical having to do with real life and experience rather than theory.
righteous morally upright.
tenant a person or group that occupies or uses another's house, office, building, or land, especially in exchange for rent.
theory a reasonable, widely accepted explanation for why something happens.
typhoon a hurricane that occurs in the western Pacific area and the China Sea.
withhold to hold back; control.
yoke a pair of draft animals joined by this device.