Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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astral of, concerning, emanating from, or resembling the stars; stellar.
fiscal pertaining to public or governmental finances.
graphic of or related to pictures or writing such as photography, painting, and printing.
mercenary interested only in money and material gain.
nondescript having no individual distinctiveness; lacking in notable features.
occult of, pertaining to, or with the aid of the supernatural.
pastoral of or relating to the country or country life; rural.
pertinent having to do with or connected to a subject; relevant.
preemptive of or relating to a strike or attack such as a bid in bridge or a military attack, made in anticipation of or to prevent an opposing strike.
prepossess to inspire or impress favorably beforehand.
proscribe to make illegal or prohibit.
referendum the submission of a legislative measure to a vote by the general public, or the vote thus taken.
repartee a quick, clever reply; witty retort.
ultimatum a final statement of demands, especially when issued with a threat of action if rejected, as in a diplomatic discussion.
vindicate to free from an accusation, suspicion, or doubt by indisputable proof.