Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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admonish to warn or caution.
antiquate to make obsolete or old-fashioned.
boor a rough-mannered or insensitive person.
chattel any article of property not attached to lands or buildings; movable property.
gratis without charging money; freely.
indelible incapable of being removed or obliterated; permanent.
inundate to cover or overspread with water, especially a very large amount; flood.
natal of or concerning one's birth.
parody a humorous imitation in print, music, or performance of a serious person, work of art, or publication.
ponderous heavily labored and dull.
predominant being the chief or greatest in importance, status, influence, or the like.
reputable known to be held in esteem; respected.
shard a piece of a broken object, especially a fragment of pottery or glass.
untested not having been tried or used in a way that would prove or disprove effectiveness or validity.
variegate to make varied or give variety to, especially by making multicolored.