Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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chase to follow with the purpose of catching; run after.
dangerous likely to cause harm; not safe.
engine a machine that uses energy from a source such as gasoline or electricity to do work.
hood a covering for the head and neck that may be attached to a coat, jacket, or other piece of clothing.
jaw either or both of the two bones that frame the mouth and hold the teeth.
late happening after the usual or expected time.
life the thing that is in humans, animals, and plants that allows them to grow and to produce more creatures like themselves. Things like rocks do not have life.
ramp a flat surface that connects two different levels.
raw not cooked.
singer a person who uses his or her voice to create music either as a job or hobby.
slam to shut with force and loud noise.
straight without a curve or bend.
suppose to assume to be true in order to make clear or to explain.
usual most common; normal.
zone an area that is separate or different from other areas because of a particular environment, use, or some other special quality.