Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alchemy an ancient exploration and practice of chemistry which flourished particularly during medieval times. Practitioners used chemical processes in the hope of, for example, producing gold from base metals, finding the key to eternal life, and uncovering a single cure for all disease.
alteration the state or process of altering.
anatomy the parts of a living thing and how they fit together.
avalanche the sudden rush of a large amount of snow, ice, or rocks down a mountain.
confer to give or award.
defamation the act of causing damage to the reputation of a person, group, or institution by making unfavorable and unjust statements.
experiment to explore by trying different things.
finale the last part of a piece of music.
fulfill to do or carry out as expected or required.
justify to show to be true or right; prove.
merge to mix or combine into a single unit.
mute not able or willing to speak; silent.
obligation something that someone should or should not do because of a law or moral principle.
preventive made to get in the way of or to block something.
prophesy to foretell or reveal, especially under divine inspiration.