Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alleviate to make (trouble or pain) easier to tolerate or accept; ease.
conscript a military recruit summoned by draft; draftee.
credo any formulation of belief, especially a religious one.
denunciation the act of verbally condemning or attacking.
heretic a person who maintains unorthodox religious opinions or beliefs, especially a baptized Roman Catholic who dissents from official church doctrine.
manifesto a public statement of principles and intentions, usually by an organized political group or person.
natal of or concerning one's birth.
obscene offensive and not decent.
pallor unnatural lack of color, especially of the face.
penance an act of punishment or self-discipline voluntarily undergone to show regret at having done something wrong.
rancor bitter, continuing resentment; hatred.
subterfuge a stratagem or artifice used to hide, avoid, or deceive.
synoptic forming a summary or overview.
torrid parched or scorched by the sun, as a geographic area.
valediction a farewell speech, especially one given by a student of the highest honors at a graduation ceremony.