Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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double two times the amount or number.
illness the state of being unwell; sickness.
journey a long trip from one place to another.
nearly almost; just about but not quite.
own belonging to oneself or itself alone.
port a place where ships load, or the town or city near this place.
power the ability to act, function, or cause things to happen.
punch1 a hard, quick hit with the closed hand.
sprout to start to grow.
swallow to cause food to go from the mouth to the stomach.
table a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more legs.
target a thing that you aim at and want to hit.
tube a long, hollow piece of glass, metal, or rubber used to hold or carry liquids or gases.
upon on.
vacation a period of rest from school, work, or other activities.