Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amnesty a general pardon given by a government, especially for political offenses.
celebrity a person who is famous.
entrust to hand over to for the care or protection of.
evacuate to leave or to empty of people for safety reasons.
evolution the process of changing and adapting to an environment over time.
finale the last part of a piece of music.
genealogy a chart or record showing the ancestors and lines of hereditary descent of a person or group; family tree.
ineffective producing little or none of the desired or intended impact.
oral spoken, rather than written; carried out by speaking.
organizational of or relating to organization or an organization.
percentage some part of a whole based on a total of one hundred parts.
perish to die or be destroyed by violence or in some other way that is not natural.
persuasive having the ability to cause another to do or believe something.
scrounge to seek out and gather, especially by salvaging scraps (often followed by "up" or "together").
spectacle an unusual or splendid sight or public show.