Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bombast boastful, pompous, or otherwise overblown utterances.
castigate to punish or rebuke, as with severe public criticism; chastise.
conciliatory tending to placate or reconcile.
conniption (informal) an outburst or fit of anger, hysteria, or the like.
fanfare a flourish of trumpets, used to mark an entrance or beginning.
incantation the words or sounds that are uttered or chanted as part of a magical ritual or spell, or the act of uttering such words or sounds.
inviolate not broken, disturbed, or profaned; pure or intact.
mellifluous flowing and sweet, as though with honey.
mettle toughness of character; courage.
parochial narrow or limited in scope or viewpoint; provincial.
pollinate to move or carry pollen to a plant, causing the seeds to be fertilized.
recurrence an act or instance of happening or appearing again or repeatedly.
replenish to make complete or full again; refill.
visage the face of a person, statue, or the like, especially in regard to its appearance or expression.
witticism a clever, often perceptive joke, insult, or saying.