Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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activity a specific thing that people do.
arrest to slow down; block; stop.
bacteria microscopic organisms that often play a role in the decay of living things, the process of fermentation, and sometimes in causing disease.
cabin a small house, built in a simple or rough way.
companion one who spends time with another or others.
dress to put clothing on.
eager wanting very much.
edge a line where two sides or surfaces meet.
gentle not intending to cause pain or trouble to other people or animals; kind.
hug the action of holding using both arms.
rain drops of water that form in the clouds and fall from the sky to the earth.
strange not usual; odd.
tired needing sleep or rest.
wrinkle a fold on a surface, such as cloth or skin.
writer a person whose job is to create books, articles, poems, or other materials; author.