Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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affection a friendly feeling of liking or loving someone or something.
artificial made by human beings; not natural.
beyond past the farthest side of; farther on than; later than.
dismiss to send away or allow to go away.
era a period of time in history. An era often begins or ends with an important event.
expensive costing a lot of money; having a high price.
globe the world; planet Earth.
haste speed or hurry.
posse a group of people gathered by a sheriff to help pursue and bring in a criminal.
retailer a person or business or who sells goods directly to the public.
rickety likely to fall over or fall apart; shaky.
robot a machine that can perform some of the same tasks as a human being.
sober not drunk; not intoxicated.
strangle to kill by stopping the breathing of, usually by surrounding the neck with something; choke.
truly sincerely; honestly.