Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apology a statement that one is sorry for something.
artist a person who has skill in painting, drawing, music, or other similar activities.
congress (capitalized) the branch of the U.S. government that is elected to make laws. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
doze to sleep lightly or for a short time.
fountain a spray of water created by a machine, or the structure from which the water flows.
fumble to search or feel about for something in a nervous or clumsy way.
gorgeous very beautiful; splendid.
hectic marked by hurry, confusion, and too much activity.
mutant a life form whose genes are different from those of its parents. A mutant has new traits or characteristics that it can pass on to its offspring.
primary main; chief.
select preferred over others.
solo a performance by one person.
timetable a schedule that lists the times at which certain events take place. People read timetables to find out when trains, buses, or airplanes will arrive or leave.
tint a shade of a color.
uncover to discover or make known; reveal.