Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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betray to help the enemy of; commit treason.
diet the food and drink usually eaten and drunk by a person or animal.
elderly old or aging.
hive something built for or by bees to live in.
ignore to refuse to recognize or fail to take notice of; pay no attention to.
imprint a mark or design made by pressing or printing on a surface.
liquid a form of matter that flows easily and is neither a solid nor a gas. Liquid can take on the shape of any container it is poured into. Water that is neither vapor nor ice is a liquid.
mist a mass or cloud of tiny water drops in the air.
posse a group of people gathered by a sheriff to help pursue and bring in a criminal.
proper correct for a certain purpose.
quest a search or pursuit.
solve to find or figure out an answer to.
supportive providing help, assistance, or encouragement.
survive to continue to live despite serious threat to one's life.
worry to feel anxious, troubled, or uneasy.