Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acute sharp; severe.
autonomy freedom and independence; self-governance.
await to look forward to, or to stay in one place or condition in order to be ready for (someone or something).
compensation something given in return for or to make up for something else.
conundrum a puzzle or problem with a difficult or impossible solution.
degrade to bring down from a higher to a lower rank or degree by taking away a position or title.
dependence the condition of relying on another for help, or to provide what one needs.
heroic noble and courageous.
maneuver to move to a desired position or goal using strategy or skill.
mull1 to think something over; ponder.
precede to come before in time.
publicity information given out through the media that gets the attention of the public.
scorch to burn slightly.
temptation the condition of being lured or enticed by the possibility of pleasure to do something unwise or wrong.
virtually practically; almost completely; very nearly.