Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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automate to convert to a mechanical or electronic system of operation.
cylinder a solid figure with a shape similar to that of a can, a round flat cake, or a round tube with closed ends. A cylinder has parallel circular faces joined by one curved face.
engineering the study and practice of using scientific and mathematical knowledge to do practical things. Knowledge of engineering is needed to design and build roads, bridges, tools, and machines.
exert to use or put into action; apply.
famine a great lack of food over a wide area.
garment any piece of clothing.
indulge to give in to or satisfy a desire, appetite, or whim.
outbreak a sudden breaking out or increase in activity of disease.
overall including nearly all; general.
parasite a plant, animal, or fungus that lives on or in another living thing, called the host. A parasite gets its food and energy from the host organism.
relent to become less harsh or less strict.
restrictive characterized by limitations on application.
significantly in an amount or to an extent that is important; considerably.
sincerity a thorough and genuine honesty; candor; earnestness.
splendor grandeur or magnificence.