Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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agitation the condition of being disturbed, anxious, or upset.
amass to gather or accumulate for oneself.
awry in an unplanned and undesired direction.
centennial having to do with a one hundredth anniversary.
decelerate to lower the speed of; decrease in velocity; slow down.
disband of an organized group, to break up or disperse.
diverge to extend or move away in different directions from a common point.
inclusive comprising or covering a great deal; comprehensive.
indubitable without question; certain.
posit to propose or suggest as an account of something or as a contribution to an understanding of something.
predilection an inclination to favor something; partiality or preference.
revert to return to a previous state, practice, belief, or the like.
tedium the state or condition of being dull, boring, or wearisome; monotony.
unspoken assumed without being expressed or spoken; implied.
venerable deserving honor, respect, or reverence because of advanced age, noble character, or dignified position.