Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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Byzantine characterized by complexity and intrigue.
collateral property or other security put forward to guarantee repayment of a loan.
cravat a scarf or band of cloth tied loosely about the neck.
desiccate to remove the moisture in (food) so as to preserve it.
élan enthusiasm or vigor.
expatiate to discuss something at great length; describe in great detail.
fracas a noisy disturbance or quarrel.
gambit a tactic or maneuver designed to gain an advantage, especially one that involves some sacrifice on one's part.
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time.
jejune lacking interest or liveliness; dull.
malapropism the humorous or ridiculous misuse of a word, especially by using a word that sounds similar to the correct word, but whose meaning is inappropriate.
obviate to prevent or eliminate in advance; render unnecessary or irrelevant.
precursory coming before and serving to indicate what will follow; premonitory.
risible provoking laughter; laughable or funny.
triage a system of determining priority of medical treatment, on the basis of need, chances of survival, and the like, to victims on a battlefield or in a hospital emergency ward.