Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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askew not straight; crooked.
curriculum the courses offered at a school or in a particular area of study.
discrete separate and distinct.
evoke to call forth or bring out (an image, memory, response, or the like) in the mind or in action.
faze to bewilder or to disturb the composure or shake the resolve of; disconcert or daunt.
imperceptible so gradual or subtle as to be unnoticed or unnoticeable.
insolence rude or impudent behavior or speech.
laborious requiring considerable effort or perseverance.
loner one who stays by himself or herself much of the time, especially by choice or inclination.
perseverance steadfast continuance in a course of action, task, or belief.
repugnance strong dislike, distaste, or aversion.
rue1 to regret, repent of, or feel sorry about.
senile showing certain characteristics of old age, especially a deterioration of mental faculties or emotional control.
stigmatize to label or brand as disgraceful or shameful.
therapeutic of, pertaining to, or capable of healing; curative.