Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bawl to cry loudly or strongly; wail.
capital1 the city where the government of a country, state, or province is located.
catastrophe an event that brings great harm, suffering, or loss to a large area or many people; terrible disaster.
deadline a date or time by which something must be done.
delay the act of putting off until a later time.
express to make known (ideas, thoughts, or feelings).
hedge a solid row of bushes, used as a kind of fence.
option the right, power, or freedom to choose.
produce to bring into being.
scratch to scrape or damage with something sharp.
spend to pay out.
supply to provide.
underneath below or beneath; under.
vanity too much pride in oneself or in how one looks.
youth the quality or state of being young.