Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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actual truly existing, or being something that is real or true.
desolate without the things that are necessary or desirable for life.
disgrace loss of respect, honor, or favor; shame.
endorsement a statement given in support of a person or product, as in an advertisement or political campaign.
eradicate to do away with completely; wipe out.
ethics the rules of conduct or moral principles of an individual or a group.
exempt to free from something that others are always required to do; excuse.
indulgence the act of yielding to or gratifying a desire or appetite.
missile an object or weapon that is thrown or shot at a target that is far away.
potential a certain skill that may be developed.
provoke to make angry, annoyed, or emotional; bring to action.
reversal the act of turning in or taking an opposite direction or position.
salvation the act of saving or being saved from sin or evil, or the condition of being saved.
script the written text of a play, movie, or television show.
spry moving in a brisk and lively way; nimble.