Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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discuss to talk together about.
drench to soak, or wet completely.
exceptional different, unusual, or out of the ordinary.
forbid to give orders that prevent or prohibit.
fumble to search or feel about for something in a nervous or clumsy way.
gimmick a clever device or idea whose only purpose is to get a customer's attention.
intersect to cut across or pass through; cross.
nursery a room where babies or young children sleep or play.
original first; earliest.
paragraph a part of something written made up of one or more sentences that develop a certain idea. A paragraph begins on a new line which is usually indented from the other lines.
regret to feel sorry or guilty for.
rind a thick, firm outer layer or covering. Oranges, lemons, melons, and some cheeses have rinds.
sarcasm the use of scornful or mocking remarks.
stubble the stubs of crop stalks, as of corn, that remain in the ground after the crop has been cut.
tumor a mass of extra tissue that grows in or on the body. Some tumors are harmful.