Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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attune to adjust so as to be harmonious.
baleful threatening harm; full of malice; ominous.
calumny a harmful statement, known by the maker to be false.
curmudgeon an irritable or ill-tempered person.
deracinate to pull up by or as if by the roots; uproot; isolate; exile.
duress intimidation or coercion.
élan enthusiasm or vigor.
effluvium an outflow of usually invisible, foul-smelling vapor or gas.
harrow to go over or break up with a harrow.
incumbent currently holding an office or position.
prolix wordy and boringly long.
remonstrate to say in opposition, protest, or objection.
scabrous characterized by a rough or scaly surface, as the leaf of a plant.
sotto voce in a low voice or undertone, so as not to be overheard; softly (often used as a musical direction).
supine lying with the face upward.