Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abstruse difficult to comprehend or understand; esoteric; arcane.
agog highly excited and full of anticipation.
ambidextrous able to use both the left and right hands with equal skill.
antediluvian hopelessly old-fashioned; primitive; outdated.
appose to place next to or side by side; juxtapose.
contumacious stubbornly disobedient; insubordinate; rebellious.
demotic of or relating to the common people; popular.
euphoria a strong feeling of well-being or elation, sometimes unrealistic or unwarranted, and able to be induced by certain drugs.
exponent one that expounds or interprets.
facsimile an exact copy or duplicate of something printed or of a picture.
macerate to soften (food or the like) by soaking, as in digestion.
malapropism the humorous or ridiculous misuse of a word, especially by using a word that sounds similar to the correct word, but whose meaning is inappropriate.
nonpareil a person or thing whose excellence is unequaled; paragon.
redoubtable inspiring fear; formidable.
salvo the firing of guns or other firearms simultaneously or in succession, especially as a salute.