Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affiliate to join as a member or smaller branch of (usually followed by "with").
defeatist characterized by an acceptance or expectation of failure.
depravity moral corruption; wickedness.
divest to take rights or property away from; dispossess, especially by legal means.
douse1 to place or plunge in water or another liquid; immerse.
evocative tending or able to call forth images, memories, feelings, and the like.
exhilaration intense high spirits.
felicitous well-suited or apt; very appropriate.
fickle quickly changing without reason or warning, especially in affection or allegiance; variable or capricious.
openhanded tending to give to others; generous.
opportune favorable or suitable, especially in relation to time.
repository a container or place where things may be stored; storage unit or space.
ruminate to think at length; meditate.
squabble to quarrel over trivial matters; bicker.
succumb to give in or give way to a fatal illness, superior force, overwhelming desire, or the like; yield.