Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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apprehensive feeling fearful about future events.
attune to adjust so as to be harmonious.
dearth a shortage or scarcity of something; lack.
disaffection an absence or loss of good will, faith, or loyalty, especially toward a government, principle, or the like.
discomfit to upset or confuse.
élan enthusiasm or vigor.
encomium a formal expression of praise.
erudite having or showing a high level of scholarly knowledge; learned.
expatiate to discuss something at great length; describe in great detail.
hirsute covered with hair or stiff hairs; hairy or shaggy.
insipid having a bland or uninteresting flavor; tasteless.
pelf money or wealth, usually regarded with disapproval or contempt.
Sabbatarian one who observes the Sabbath on Saturday, as Jews and certain Christians.
trabeated using horizontal beams or lintels as supports instead of arches.
voluble characterized by a steady flow of words; fluent; talkative.