Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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audition a performance that tests the ability of an actor, musician, or dancer.
bloom to produce flowers.
capability the quality of being skilled or able; ability.
central main or principal; most important.
colonial of or related to a colony or colonies.
commissioner the head of a government department.
deem to consider, suppose, or judge.
invasion an act or instance of invading by an enemy or hostile army.
level having a flat, even surface.
lifeline an anchored line or rope thrown to support a person in danger of drowning or falling.
ruffle to disturb a smooth, even surface.
rut a hollow track worn into the ground.
shift to change one's position, or to move from one place to another.
twinge a sudden, sharp pain that does not last long.
wad a small mass or ball.