Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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chafe to abrade, irritate, or wear away by rubbing.
chronicle an account of events, told in the order in which those events took place.
conclude to bring to an end; finish or complete.
convention a formal meeting or gathering where people discuss shared interests.
devotion strong affection or loyalty.
equivalence the state, fact, or condition of being the same in value, amount, importance, or the like.
fanatic a person who is enthusiastic about something in a way that is extreme or not reasonable.
hover to stay hanging in the air, often by quick flapping or spinning.
hybrid the offspring of two plants or animals that are of different species or breeds.
kernel the most basic part of something; the heart of the matter; core.
mitigate to lessen the force, severity, or impact of.
participate to take part; share (usually followed by "in").
plague a deadly disease, sudden invasion of harmful insects, or any terrible thing that harms many people.
relentless without mercy or compassion; unyielding or stern.
sequence a pattern or process in which one thing follows another.