Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allege to say or claim to be true without having proof.
bard in ancient Celtic times, a person who composed and recited or sang epic poetry.
clause a group of words that has a subject and a verb. Clauses can be part or all of a sentence.
diversion an act or instance of turning aside.
excel to do or perform better than others.
flammable able to catch on fire easily.
frigid very cold; freezing.
merely nothing more than; simply; only.
perspective the way things are seen from a particular point of view.
redirect to guide to a different destination or by a different route.
righteous morally upright.
terrain land or ground, or the natural characteristics of its surface.
theology the study of religion, especially the relations between God and the universe as expressed in religious doctrine, revelation, and scripture.
tremor a shaking or trembling.
vague just barely visible or able to be perceived.