Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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artifact any object made by human beings, especially one of an earlier era.
classify to put or order into groups of similar things.
collide to strike or bump into one another with force.
compromise a settlement of a disagreement in which each side gives up something, or the result of such a settlement.
covenant a usually formal agreement between two or more parties to engage in or refrain from something.
customary usual, habitual, or traditional.
decoy something used to attract animals or people into danger. Wooden decoys in the shape of birds or animals are often used by hunters to lead animals into a trap.
diversify to give or introduce variety to or into.
millennium a unit of time equal to one thousand years.
mobile able to move or be moved easily from one place or position to another.
presently in a little while; very soon.
rout1 a confused retreat of troops after they have been beaten.
sheer thin or fine enough to see through.
spectrum a band of colors that is formed when light is passed through a prism, or in some other way. The six colors of a spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
versatile able to do many different things well.