Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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arbitrary resulting from personal opinions, wishes, or feelings instead of from a rule or reason.
compensation something given in return for or to make up for something else.
congestion the condition of being excessively full, especially the condition of a road or highway being overly filled with traveling vehicles or pedestrians.
consequence that which follows; result.
contingency a future event that is possible but not likely.
dimension size as measured in length, width, or depth.
dissatisfy to fail to meet the expectations of; disappoint.
distort to twist out of shape; change the way a thing looks or acts.
ecosystem a community of living things, together with their environment.
freshman a student in the first year of high school, college, or university.
malicious having or reflecting a wish to harm.
mutilate to destroy by cutting or tearing off a necessary part.
organizational of or relating to organization or an organization.
restriction something that limits or restricts.
yearn to have a strong desire, craving, or wish for something.