Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aggression an attack or war against a country started without good cause by another country.
condemn to call wrong, evil, or inadequate; strongly disapprove of.
crypt a burial chamber or underground vault, especially one beneath a church.
domain the land owned or under the control of a single ruler or government.
drastic extreme or severe.
elope to run away and marry in secret.
explicit said or written in a clear and direct way.
extract a strong, concentrated form of a substance.
isolate to set apart or separate so as to be alone.
justification something that explains, rationalizes, or defends.
likewise as well; also.
outsider a person who does not belong to a particular group.
prevail to emerge as dominant (often followed by "over").
procrastinate to put off doing something; delay.
regional of or relating to a particular geographical area.