Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bivouac a temporary encampment, especially military, without protecting shelter.
cistern a tank or other receptacle for catching and storing water, especially rainwater.
concealment the act of hiding something from sight, or the condition of being hidden from sight.
egotistical self-centered or selfish.
indictment the act of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury, or the condition of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury.
infringe to cross established limits; encroach; trespass (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
loner one who stays by himself or herself much of the time, especially by choice or inclination.
notation a system of signs used to stand for numbers, words, or musical notes.
patrician of, concerning, or belonging to an aristocratic class.
pervade to spread or be present everywhere in.
premeditate to consider, plan, or arrange in advance.
profusion an abundant supply or display.
reaffirm to verify by asserting again.
sear1 to burn or scorch the outside of.
theorem a proposition or idea that can be proven by other formulas or propositions in mathematics, or deduced from accepted premises or assumptions in logic.