Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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circulate to move or flow along a closed path or system.
composure calmness in thinking or acting; self-control.
despondent low in spirits; unhappy, depressed, or dejected.
experiment to explore by trying different things.
ghetto a part of a town or city in which people of a particular race or religion are forced by law to live.
irritate to anger or bother.
judicial having to do with judges, law courts, or their activities.
miserly stingy or penurious.
narrative a story, description, or account of events.
outrage an act that causes a strong feeling of anger because of its violence or cruelty.
proposition a suggested plan of action.
radiant sending out heat or rays of light; shining brightly.
respondent a person who gives a reply or answer, especially to a survey or poll.
valor boldness in facing danger; courage; bravery.
withhold to hold back; control.