Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alibi a way of defending oneself against criminal charges by showing that one was not at the scene of the crime when it happened.
bile ill temper or anger.
biological having to do with living things and their life processes.
bond to bind together.
catalyst an agent that causes an interaction between persons or forces without being affected itself.
comparable nearly the same or equal in degree or quality.
conclude to bring to an end; finish or complete.
discard to throw out or away; cast off.
inward in or toward the inside or center.
procrastinate to put off doing something; delay.
recalibrate to reset or adjust the scale of (a quantitative measuring instrument or system), usually to maintain a correspondence with a standard.
rogue a person who is dishonest or mean.
strategy a plan, method, or series of actions meant to perform a particular goal or effect.
thunderous producing a sound of or like thunder.
unemployment the number or percentage of workers that do not have jobs.