Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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control to use power to manage or command.
convenient easily used for someone's needs, purposes, or comfort; useful.
error a mistake in thought or action; something that is wrong.
exploration the act of investigating or examining.
graphics (used with a plural verb) the charts, maps, drawings, and other images used in printed works such as books and magazines.
grenade a small bomb that is thrown by hand or shot from a rifle after its fuse is set.
molten made liquid by very high heat.
nerve any of the fibers that carry messages to and from the brain and other parts of the body. Nerves are bundled together into a complicated system that connects all parts of the body to the spinal cord and brain.
perimeter the boundary or border of a figure or area.
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
progress forward movement toward an end.
relatively in comparison to something else.
restate to say or write again or in a different way.
stampede the sudden and hurried mass movement of a large group of frightened animals.
vein a small vessel that carries blood toward the heart.