Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bulge a rounded or swollen part caused by pressure from below or within.
certain sure; positive; having no doubt.
complain to express pain, sadness, or unhappy feelings about something.
copper a reddish brown metal that is one of the chemical elements. Copper is used to make pipes, because it does not easily rust. It is used to make wires, because it is an excellent conductor of electricity. It can be combined with other metals to make alloys such as brass and bronze.
entertain to amuse; keep interested.
frequent happening often or repeated often.
fret1 to feel troubled or uneasy.
gland a group of cells or an organ that produces fluids that are released into the body or pass out of the body.
international having to do with two or more countries or with what happens between two or more countries.
otherwise in a different manner or other way.
rummage to make a thorough search by turning over and looking through the contents of.
scuffle to take part in a brief, confused fight.
superior having a higher position, degree, or rank.
thorough leaving nothing out; complete.
tingle to have a light stinging or prickly feeling.