Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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apocryphal of dubious authorship or authority.
apropos appropriate; relevant; opportune.
avow to assert or affirm.
cognoscente someone who has exceptional knowledge in a given area, especially of fashion, literature, or the fine arts; connoisseur.
crass lacking in sensitivity or refinement; crude.
expound to discuss or explain in detail (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
foible a minor flaw or weakness in personality, character, or behavior.
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time.
glut a greater supply or amount than is needed.
halcyon tranquil; peaceful; calm.
intransigence refusal to alter one's ideas or position in response to the wishes of others.
kibbutz an Israeli farming settlement whose ownership is shared by those who live and work there.
liminal of or at the threshold of a physiological or psychological response or change of state.
naturalism in literature, a method of depicting life that reflects a philosophy of determinism.
spurn to reject, refuse, or treat with scorn; disdain; despise.