Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amplify to make larger or greater.
assertive forward or aggressive in speech or action.
certainty the state of being sure or confident.
demonstration an activity that shows how something works or how it is made.
elope to run away and marry in secret.
inferior lower in rank, position, or degree.
isolation the act of setting apart, or the state of being set apart from other things or people.
notify to tell about; give notice of.
occupant someone who lives or works in a place or fills a position.
patent a government grant that gives someone the right to make, use, or sell an invention. A patent is given for a certain number of years.
prior happening earlier in time or sequence.
resistant capable of opposing or willing to oppose.
scald to burn with or as if with a hot liquid or steam.
tantalize to tease or torment with the sight or prospect of something desirable but unattainable.
utilize to put to a particular use; use.