Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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attain to gain or achieve through work.
avoid to keep away from.
brief short in length of time.
client one who pays for the services of another.
dictionary a book, or a source of information found on a computer, that lists the words of a language in alphabetical order, along with information about their meaning, spelling, and pronunciation.
employer a person or business that pays others to work.
flirt to play at love; act in a romantic way that is not serious.
harsh rough or not pleasing to the eyes, ears, or other senses.
improve to make better.
longtime having existed or continued over a long period of time.
normal close to what is usual, average, or standard.
paradise a state or place of great beauty, delight, or joy.
shrug to raise the shoulders to show one does not know, does not care, or is not responsible.
sleek smooth or shiny.
wedge a piece of wood or metal shaped like a triangle with a thin edge. A wedge is driven or forced between objects to split, lift, or make them stronger.