Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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canvas heavy, strong cloth made of cotton, linen, or hemp.
confide to share secrets or personal information (usually followed by "in").
crate a box for packing and shipping made of wood or other material.
discuss to talk together about.
employer a person or business that pays others to work.
figure a number or other written symbol that is not a letter of the alphabet.
glint a brief flash or flicker of reflected light.
glossary a list of unusual or difficult words and their meanings connected with a particular subject or particular piece of writing. A glossary is often placed at the end of a book.
heighten to make higher.
manager the person who controls a business or acts as the leader of a plan or project.
polish to give a shiny surface to.
realm a royal kingdom.
scheme a plan or plot.
timetable a schedule that lists the times at which certain events take place. People read timetables to find out when trains, buses, or airplanes will arrive or leave.
totem a living thing, such as an animal or plant, that is taken as the symbol of a family or clan.