Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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compliant willing to cooperate or agree; accommodating.
decisive able to make firm decisions or end arguments.
dingy dirty or not cared for well.
distort to twist out of shape; change the way a thing looks or acts.
economical using only a small amount; without waste; frugal.
excise1 a tax levied on the manufacture or sale of certain goods within a nation or state.
feint a false movement that is meant to trick an opponent by taking attention away from the real target.
immigrate to come to live permanently in a country where one was not born.
intended planned and done with complete awareness; intentional; deliberate.
neutralize to cause to have no effect or become useless.
ordeal a painful, difficult experience, or test of one's character.
renaissance (capitalized) the revival of art, literature, and learning that began in Europe in the 1300s and lasted into the 1600s. During the Renaissance, scholars, writers, and artists took a great interest in the writings and ideas of classical culture.
renovation the act or process of repairing and updating (a building or the like) so that the condition is improved and meets current standards.
speculate to make guesses or wonder about something (often followed by "on" or "about").
tendency the fact of being likely to act in some way.