Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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angle the figure made by two lines coming from a single point.
conductor the leader of a musical group.
defender someone who believes in and supports a person, plan, idea, or the like.
festival a ceremony or celebration that involves special activities and amusements and often occurs once a year.
improvement a change that makes something better than it was.
loyal showing devotion and faithfulness to someone or something.
neglect an act or instance of not giving enough care or attention to something.
pursuit the act of following or chasing.
repeatedly again and again; many times in a row.
sinister threatening or suggesting evil, injury, or danger; ominous.
stencil a sheet of some material out of which letters or a pattern has been cut. Paint or ink can pass through stencils to form a design on the surface underneath.
strongly with great certainty or passion.
tournament a contest of skill including a series of games where those who lose one game may no longer take part.
vote a formal expression of a choice in an election or other group decision.
whimper to cry in weak, broken sounds.