Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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approximate nearly exact or correct.
balmy soft, mild, and soothing.
brood to think or worry a lot about a single subject (usually followed by "on" or "over").
continental of or pertaining to the whole of one of the major land masses, such as Europe or South America.
depletion drastic lessening; exhaustion.
distinguished known for excellence; admired.
fictional existing only in a made-up story and not existing in real life.
flourish to grow in a strong, healthy way.
grovel to be or move about in a bowed or prostrate position, as with fear or humility; cower; cringe.
isolation the act of setting apart, or the state of being set apart from other things or people.
perish to die or be destroyed by violence or in some other way that is not natural.
proclamation the act of announcing to the public, or something that is said for the public to hear.
radiation the waves of energy sent out by sources of heat or light, or by radioactive material.
subdue to overcome or conquer, as by military victory.
supple easily curved or bent; flexible.