Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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angry feeling or showing anger.
bold having courage; having little or no fear.
brand a kind of product made by one particular company.
click to make a slight, sharp sound.
doctor a person whose job is to treat and give medicine to sick people or animals.
faucet a device for turning on and off the flow of liquid from a pipe or container.
female being a member of the sex that produces eggs and gives birth.
math a short form of a word that means the study of numbers.
matter all substances of the universe that can be seen, touched, or measured.
misery a condition in which one is very unhappy or suffers very much.
newspaper a set of large sheets of paper with reports about recent events, advertisements, and other information. Most newspapers are printed and sold every day or once a week.
once at one time in the past.
own belonging to oneself or itself alone.
razor a tool with a very sharp blade that is used for cutting hair close to the skin.
rough not smooth.