Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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apparition a ghostly image; phantom; specter.
audacity courage or boldness often combined with daring or recklessness.
comradeship friendship based on shared or group activities or interests.
decadent tending to indulge in sensual pleasures; hedonistic.
enigma something puzzling, contradictory, or mysterious; something for which a solution cannot be found.
fissure a narrow crevice or other opening, especially one caused by splitting.
magnitude size or extent.
perturb to cause great disturbance in (the mind); agitate or worry.
propagate to reproduce (offspring) or cause to reproduce.
reassess to evaluate again.
refractory obstinately disobedient; difficult to control, as a child or animal.
resilience the ability to resume shape after being pressed or stretched.
ricochet to bounce or skip off a surface at an angle; rebound.
stoic showing little or no reaction to painful or pleasant experiences; unmoved; impassive.
trepidation a condition of anxiety or dread; alarm.