Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abhorrence a feeling of complete loathing, repulsion, or horror.
affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
aural2 of or relating to the ear or hearing.
comparative measured or estimated by comparison; relative.
demur to object or indicate opposition to something.
emaciated extremely thin, as from starvation or disease.
enmity the mutual feeling of enemies toward each other; hatred; hostility; antagonism.
ephemeral lasting for only a short period.
harmonious characterized by agreement or accord.
maternity the state of being a mother; motherhood.
procure to get or get hold of by effort; obtain.
sedentary involving or characterized by sitting or little physical activity.
tacit suggested, implied, or understood, without being expressed in words.
turbulence commotion, violent disorder, or unrest.
uncharacteristic not typical of a particular person, group, or thing, and therefore notable.