Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afterward at a later time.
awful very bad; terrible; of poor quality.
badly not well; in a bad way.
couch a comfortable seat with a back and arms for two or more people; sofa.
dare to try to get someone to do something as a test of courage.
hair a single, thin structure like a thread that grows on the body of humans and some animals.
interview a meeting between a person who has applied for a job and the person who is offering the job. The person who wants the job must answer questions about his or her experience and qualifications.
league a group of people who have joined together for a special purpose.
misery a condition in which one is very unhappy or suffers very much.
praise to speak well of.
singer a person who uses his or her voice to create music either as a job or hobby.
steal to take something from another person without permission and in a way that is against the law.
stun to shock or amaze.
twin either of two children or animals born at the same time to one mother.
wide reaching across a large area from side to side.