Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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biennial happening every second year.
circuitous having or taking a long and winding course or procedure; roundabout; indirect.
congruity the state or fact of being similar in character or degree;correspondence or fit.
disband of an organized group, to break up or disperse.
discordant in conflict or disagreement.
dissuade to urge or convince not to do something.
egotism excessive self-promotion; boastfulness or conceitedness.
electorate a body of those entitled to participate in an election; qualified voters, as a group.
fervid heated or impassioned; intensely enthusiastic.
intercede to act as a mediator in a dispute or disagreement.
pall1 an atmosphere of gloom or despair.
socialite one who is prominent in fashionable social circles.
speculative of, pertaining to, or based on conjecture or theorizing.
statute a law made by a legislature, as opposed to one established by the courts.
vantage a position or situation that offers a broad or especially good view, comprehension, or the like.