Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alibi a way of defending oneself against criminal charges by showing that one was not at the scene of the crime when it happened.
alien someone who lives in a country who is not a citizen of that country.
conversion the changing of a person's religious beliefs.
cooperative willing to work together or cooperate.
delinquent neglectful of a duty or guilty of an offense or violation of the law.
dismal full of gloom; sad.
distribute to divide into parts and give out to each of several people or groups.
evacuate to leave or to empty of people for safety reasons.
extraordinary very unusual; far beyond the ordinary.
fatality a sudden or unexpected death.
gala a happy celebration, especially a large, elaborate one.
gall1 impudence; nerve.
harmony being in agreement; unity.
indicator a person or thing that points to or signals something.
revolt to rise up and fight against the government or other authority; rebel.